Monday, April 25, 2011

The First Post

Sure, everyone has a blog. I have four, but don't let that worry you. They're not all about cooking.

I'm no chef, in fact I'm only picky when I can be and at the moment I live in the tiniest town you can imagine. The store just a minutes walk from home has the bare minimum, and none of it is organic. The eggs, I'm pretty sure, are the healthiest eggs I've had anywhere. And the milk and cheese are fantastic. Scotland is good for those things. I can also tell what is local - the tomatoes are from Spain, potatoes are grown here, green beans come from Egypt. I'm trying to stay as close to 'home' as possible, so nothing from the Americas or South Africa. But I think Egypt deserves my financial support at the moment, seeing as they just had a revolution.

I don't own a car, so what I find for ingredients are either from the local store, the store in the neighboring town, or from a town I took a 45 minute bus ride to reach. That's where I got the really good chevre, and some pretty good double glocester. Also, the wine is cheaper over there.

But here's the point: I'm not running down the street in my fancy car to get all the prime organic, free-range, local ingredients available. I don't want to own a car, ever again. I live extremely inexpensively, and I enjoy making that work. If I could, I'd buy organic. But I make do. And I'm finding that I can make some really delicious food. So you can, too. I'll try to post photos with my recipes, and I encourage you to do something very important: shop around.

My strategy is this: maybe I have risotto, some onions, garlic, and bottles of red wine handy. What do I do with that risotto? Well, I look online. I find a bunch of recipes for risotto and I read them all, noting similarities and little tricks that some people include. Then I realize I also have jalapeño peppers - does anyone make jalapeño risotto? Blackle search reveals that I will not be the first. Again, I read multiple recipes. In the end I choose a basic three cheese risotto recipe, and incorporate those jalapeños when it seems appropriate. That is my first recipe post... coming right up.

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